F&B Promotions

Oxtail Rica
Ready for your quality lunch..? We're never exceed exploring Indonesian Authentic cuisine and serving you the best every time. This month we've prepared "Oxtail Rica" with spicy taste, it's nicely for lunch

Gurame Singapore Sc
Gurame is one of many kind freshwater fish, it has thick flesh with fat and perfect to cook. With our recipe, you will find another savory taste in this wonderful dish. Crispy texture, spicy taste, mixture with freshness of veggie would be perfect combination.

Soto Betawi
Let us introduce traditional menu of "Betawi/Jakarta". That is Soto Betawi (Jakarta Beef Soup), this is one of favourite menu in this beautiful town. Like as the name, this meal made from stew of beef and sliced potatoes into coconut milk soup. Enjoy this soup with white steamed rice and cracker.

Our famous delicious dimsum with more than 25 dimsum variants we serve every single day

Spicy Grilled Ribs
Just please sit down and let us serve you with fantastic ribs cuisine. Our Chef team already prepare spicy Grilled ribs for your lunch or dinner, served with white steamed rice and cracker. Enjoy your meal..!